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Luxion Keyshot Pro v2.3.2 (Win x86-x64 / Mac OS X )(既時光現追蹤渲染程式)

作者: chuan 日期: 2011-6-13 20:34 閱讀: 3479打印 收藏

Luxion Keyshot Pro v2.3.2 (Win x86-x64 / Mac OS X)(既時光現追蹤渲染程式)

Luxion Keyshot Pro v2.3.2
(Win x86 / Win x64 / Mac OS X)
348 MB / 367 MB / 419 MB

Communicating early concepts. Trying to make design decisions. Creating marketing and sales images. No matter what you are trying to do, KeyShot breaks down the complexity barriers of creating photographic images from 3D models. Faster, easier, and more amazing than ever before. In realtime. KeyShot is easy, it doesn't require any specialized expertise. KeyShot has 6 main buttons rather than hundreds of parameters, options, sliders, and adjustments found in traditional rendering programs. It is the perfect tool for anyone who is or wants to get involved with 3D data: industrial designers, mechanical engineers, marketing professionals, photographers, CG experts - you name it. The only limit is your creativity.

KeyShot is FAST
Rather than playing with many parameters and waiting for the result, KeyShot allows you see results at the same time you make changes. Using all of your computers processor power, KeyShot delivers stunning images of your 3D data. The more processors you have, the faster KeyShot gets! And no matter whether you are on a PC or Mac, you never need a special graphics card, nor any dedicated drivers. It just works.

KeyShot is AMAZING
KeyShot features the only rendering engine that is certified by the CIE (International Commission on Illumination). Using scientifically accurate materials and real world lighting, KeyShot delivers the most accurate images in a matter of seconds. And when you combine a 3D scene with a photograph, you can create even more amazing results that you may have never thought of before.

How it works

Step 1: Import your 3D model
Use your BIP files, Alias WIRE, Rhinoceros, SketchUp, SolidWorks (PC only), SolidEdge (PC only), Pro/ENGINEER, IGES, STEP, OBJ, 3ds, Collada, and FBX data directly.

Step 2: Paint your model

Use any of the scientifically accurate materials from the material library by simply copying and pasting them onto the model. You will instantly see what your design will look like, with the given material, color, and finish, under the current lighting conditions.

Step 3: Choose your lighting
Simply select an environment image (HDRI). As soon as you change the lighting environment you will notice the effect the real world lighting captured in those environments has on materials, colors and finishes.

Step 4: Adjust your camera

Change angle, distance, twist, focal length - just like a real camera.

Step 5: Adjust your background
Interactively cycle through colors, choose from pre loaded photos, or set your own images as the background for your shot.

Step 6: Enjoy the perfect picture
It is all happening in realtime - in front of your eyes.

You are done!


KeyShot V.S KeyShot 2 (既時光現追蹤渲染程式)

利用KeyShot 2,打造極具話題性的Chevrolet Corvette未來新車款
動畫及渲染效果呈現出Luxgen CEO車款的精工雕琢之美,帶你一起觀賞色彩與光線的極致展現!!

新一代的進化版-Keyshot 2 是專為設計師量身打造的即時彩現軟體
Luxion公司宣佈KeyShot 2.1版正式支援Solid Edge檔案

Simple,Beautiful,Fast為Keyshot的三大元素,簡單6個步驟、真實呈現產品設計、即時渲染的功能,可銜接多種CAD/CAM軟體,利用特殊的HDRI光源設計,輕鬆 完成真實呈現設計成果。可運用於產品設計、汽車、工業設計、航太等多種產業。以下為Keyshot簡單的六個步驟:
Step 1--匯入3D模型
Step 2--替模型上色
Step 3--設定環境光源
Step 4--選擇背景圖片
Step 5--調整攝影機角度
Step 6--完美照片立即成型

Keyshot2延續了Keyshot的產品理念,一樣強調Simple,Beautiful,Fast,在於使用步驟上也是不作變動。不同的是Keyshot2在功能操作上有大幅度的人性化調整,不僅僅效能提升,在使用者介面及相關的功能上更做改良,新的介面改採以黑色為底色,配色相當簡潔大方。原本的六個ICON現在被固定在顯示主畫面下方,另外新增加一個Option的選項,這個選項可以直接開啟原本的功能介面。所有在Keyshot2里的視窗不僅可以利用滑鼠調整大小,也可以依據使用者的習慣及需求,隨意調整功能視窗的位置。相對於舊版的Keyshot只有材質的資源庫,要選擇環境或是背景圖時,則必須利用開啟檔案的方式一個一個的去選擇,新版的 Keyshot2在這點做了改善,新的資源庫裡包含了材質、環境、背景圖、貼圖及輸出的照片等等常用的欄位,不僅僅可以直接預覽效果,更可以直接利用滑鼠拖曳到畫面中直接作套用的動作,如果有新的資源更可以直接作匯入的動作。Renderings欄位中會顯示輸出過的照片,不僅可以調整預覽的大小,若點擊兩下更可以直接開啟觀看。

1# chuan

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