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轉載虛擬機器VMware Workstation 7 - full version 7.1.4 385536 完全版

作者: chuan 日期: 2011-5-28 04:03 閱讀: 3069打印 收藏

【檔案名稱】:VMware Workstation 7 - full version 7.1.4 385536
【檔案大小】:559 MB
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VMware提供桌面虛擬化的黃金標準——VMware Workstation 7

VMware Workstation 7為Windows 7和3D圖形提供了完美的支援,為軟體發展和測試提供了更多的功能
VMware Workstation 7增強了對Windows 7和3D圖形的支援,提供了眾多卓越的新功能,繼續改變著專業技術人員開發、測試、演示和部署軟體的方式。這一系列的改進,有助於開發者、QA工程師、專 業銷售人員和IT管理員降低硬體成本、簡化任務,同時節省時間和提高工作效率。

VMware Workstation 7是功能最為強大、最為可靠、最為安全的桌面虛擬化產品,提供了一系列增強的功能:
•完美支持Windows 7:經過優化的VMware Workstation 7,可以最大限度地發揮在32位和64位Windows 7 PC上的運行性能,並可與 Flip 3D 和 Aero Peek 無縫地結合使用,顯示虛擬機器的即時進度。
•最佳的3D圖形:支持在Windows虛擬機器中運行更多的3D應用程式,包括Windows Aero、DirectX 9.0c Shader Model 3、OpenGL 2.1。
•針對專業技術人員的功能設計:利用全新的SpringSource工具工具組和Eclipse IDE for C/C++ 的全新IDE集成,VMware Workstation 7簡化了軟體發展、測試過程。利用記錄重播調試改進功能,可以更快地查找非確定性錯誤。
•最為先進的虛擬化功能:在運行32位元和64位元作業系統時,每個虛擬機器最多可擁有4個虛擬處理器和32GB的記憶體。(v7.1可擁有8個虛擬處理器和2 TB的記憶體)

What's New:
VMware Workstation Version 7.1.4 Build 385536March 30th, 2011)

· Adds support for Windows 7 SP1 and Ubuntu 10.10 guest and host operating systems.

Security Fixes:

Workstation 7.1.4 addresses a local privilege escalation in the vmrun utility:
· VMware vmrun is a utility that is used to perform various tasks on virtual machines. The vmrun utility runs on any platform with VIX libraries installed. It is installed in Workstation by default. In non-standard filesystem configurations, an attacker with the ability to place files into a predefined library path could take execution control of vmrun. This issue is present only in the version of vmrun that runs on Linux

Other Resolved Issues:
· In Workstation 7.1, the default main memory VA cache size (mainMem.vaCacheSize) for 32-bit Windows guests was reduced to accommodate 3D emulation memory requirements. However, the reduced value resulted in performance loss. For 7.1.4, the default main memory VA cache size has been be increased to 1000 MB and performance is improved.
· Because Workstation failed to identify more than 10 USB host controllers in newer Windows guests, some USB devices did not appear in the Removable Devices menu. Now Workstation shows all USB devices in the Removable Devices menu as long as they are connected to the first identified 16 USB controllers.
· When using the Capture Movie option, the captured video stopped playing around the 1GB mark if the video file exceeded 1GB. Now you can capture and play video files that are greater than 1GB.
· The application vmware-modconfig UI could not start up in a KDE 4 session in a SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11 environment.
· On Windows host systems that have more than 4GB of memory, Workstation sometimes crashed during cryptographic operations, for example, when performing disk encryption.
· VMware Tools upgrade could be started by a non-administrator user from the VMware Tools Control Panel in a Windows guest. In this release, only administrator users can start VMware Tools upgrade from the VMware Tools Control Panel. To prevent non-administrator users from starting VMware Tools upgrade from a guest by using other applications, set isolation.tools.autoinstall.disable to TRUE in the virtual machine configuration (.vmx) file.
· When a virtual machine running on a Windows host was used to access an Omron Industrial CP1L Programmable Logic Controller, Workstation generated an unrecoverable error.
· When using NAT virtual networking on Windows hosts, the traceroute command did not work when used within virtual machines.
· The Easy Install feature did not work for Fedora 14 guest operating systems.
· During VMware Tools installation on a Fedora 14 64-bit guest operating system, the following warning message was generated while building the vsock module: case value '255' not in enumerated type 'socket_state'.
· Workstation crashed with an access violation when a user tried to open the sidebar after closing all tabs in Quick Switch mode.
· The Easy Install feature did not work for Red Hat Linux 6 guest operating systems.
· The VMware Tools HGFS provider DLL caused a deadlock when making calls to the WNetAddConnection2 function from an application such as eEye Rentina in a Windows guest operating system.
· There was no option to disable guest time sync when a host resumes. Now you can set time.synchronize.resume.host to FALSE in the virtual machine configuration (.vmx) file to disable guest time sync when a host resumes. See VMware Knowledge Base Article 1189 for other time sync options.
· Setting a hidden attribute on a file in a shared folder from a Windows guest on a Linux host failed with an error. This problem caused applications such as SVN checkout to fail when checking out to shared folders on Linux hosts from Windows guests.

分享主要為測試軟体的實用性,請各位下載朋友支持原版-購買軟體請找正常通路商洽詢.. 本人不會為法律負上任何責任

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gdgd!! thx sharing
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HI, THX! good!