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[虛擬系統] VMware Workstation 6.0.3 Build 80004

作者: pele 日期: 2013-12-10 21:14 閱讀: 966打印 收藏
VMware Workstation 6.0.3 Build 80004

【軟體名稱】:VMware Workstation 6.0.3 Build 80004

通過 VMware Workstation,可以發掘台式機或筆記本電腦的真正功能和靈活性。通過在單台 PC 上同時運行多個操作系統,可將硬件成本降低 50% 或更多。自動執行和優化任務,以節省時間並提高生產效率。加入全球數百萬使用 Workstation 的大軍中:
    * 託管舊版應用程序並克服平台遷移問題
    * 在隔離的環境中配置和測試新軟件或修補程序
    * 自動執行軟件開發和測試任務
    * 在單台 PC 上演示多層配置

在同一台 PC 上同時使用多個操作系統

VMware Workstation 6 讓您能夠簡便地在台式機或膝上型電腦上創建和運行多個虛擬機。您可以將現有的物理 PC 轉換為 VMware 虛擬機,也可以從零開始創建新虛擬機。每個虛擬機都呈現為一個完整的 PC,包括處理器、內存、網絡連接和外設端口。

VMware Workstation 讓您能夠使用虛擬機在同一台計算機上並行運行 Windows、Linux 以及安裝了其他操作系統的主機。只需單擊鼠標即可在操作系統之間進行即時切換,通過拖放功能可以在虛擬機之間共享文件,同時還能訪問您所依賴的所有外圍設備。
拍照 &虛擬機視頻

使用 Workstation,您可以拍攝保存了虛擬機狀態的「快照」,以便您可以隨時返回該狀態。在您需要將虛擬機恢復到先前的穩定系統狀態時,快照是非常有用的。Workstation 在單個屏幕中顯示您的所有快照的縮略圖,使您能夠方便地跟蹤和恢復到以前保存的快照。

您還可以使用 Workstation 6 錄製並播放視頻文件,這些視頻文件用於捕獲在一段時間內對虛擬機所做的所有更改。此功能是 VMware Workstation 中所特有的,對軟件調試、技術諮詢部門辨症分析、銷售演示和培訓有難以置信的幫助作用。

通過使用 Workstation 6 的小組功能管理網絡連接虛擬機可以在單台機器上運行多層企業應用程序。小組功能使您能夠創建包括客戶端、服務器和數據庫虛擬機在內的虛擬網絡環境。

使用 Workstation Teams,您只需單擊一下鼠標鍵即可打開和關閉整個多層環境。Workstation 可顯示所有連接的虛擬機的活動縮略圖,使您能夠方便地識別與小組相關的虛擬機並在各虛擬機之間進行切換。


Workstation 6 新增功能是能夠使用 ACE 選件創建和部署安全虛擬機(稱為 ACE)。移動性是此選件包的主要優點之一,因為它使用戶能夠通過便攜式媒體設備(如 USB 驅動器)安全地隨身攜帶他們的台式機。


    * 可在 Windows 和 Linux 主機操作系統上運行,支持大多數台式機和服務器版本的 Microsoft Windows、Linux、Solaris x86、Netware 和 FreeBSD 作為客戶操作系統
    * 支持 32 位和 64 位的主機及客戶操作系統
    * 支持雙向 Virtual SMP& 交易; – 將一個或兩個處理器分配給虛擬機
    * 對 VMI 3.0 的支持(處於實驗階段)實現了半虛擬化 Linux 內核


    * 完全可配置 - 每個虛擬機都有可配置的內存大小、磁盤和 I/O 設備,並支持 CD、DVD、軟盤和 USB 2.0 設備
    * 每個虛擬機最多可指定 8GB 的 RAM
    * 64 位的聲音驅動程序以獲得高保真音頻和視頻
    * 方便地在虛擬機間切換,並且可掛起/恢復虛擬機
    * 通過創建完整且帶有鏈接的克隆,可以方便地複製和共享虛擬機
    * 將物理機轉換為虛擬機,並從 Microsoft、Symantec 和存儲-技術導入虛擬機格式
    * 對客戶活動的記錄和重放的支持(處於實驗階段)表現在計算機狀態和指令級別


    * 強大的虛擬網絡連接選項包括橋接、NAT、僅主機和自定義虛擬網絡設置
    * 內置 DHCP 服務器和最多 10 台虛擬交換機使虛擬機能夠互相連接、連接到主機及公用網絡
    * 指定小組中各虛擬機之間的網絡帶寬和數據包丟失率


    * 配置一個虛擬機,使之跨越多個監視器;或配置多個虛擬機,使每個虛擬機顯示在單獨的監視器上。
    * 創建共享文件夾,客戶和主機操作系統之間拖放及複製粘貼數據
    * 連接高速 USB 2.0 設備,包括網絡攝像機和 iPod
    * 自動調整客戶的屏幕分辨率以適應窗口大小或全屏,或在後台運行虛擬機,而不使用 Workstation 用戶界面
    * 將虛擬磁盤映射為 Windows 主機上的驅動器號
    * 使用影片記錄和回放功能,捕獲運行的虛擬機中的所有屏幕活動


    * 使用 Visual Studio 和 Eclipse 集成,可以在客戶操作系統中調試應用程序,連接到運行中的進程,然後在調試會話結束後恢復為快照
    * 使用多快照功能,可以捕獲和輕鬆管理運行中的虛擬機的時間點拷貝並「撤消」更改
    * 使用小組功能,可以管理互連的虛擬機並模擬多層配置
    * 使用內置 VNC 支持,遠程用戶可以從 VNC 客戶端連接到虛擬機
    * 使用 VIX 自動化 API,可以從腳本調用任何虛擬機命令以自動執行重複性任務


    * 使用可選的 VMware ACE 創作功能,可以打包和部署虛擬機,從而在便攜式媒體設備上實現了加密、網絡訪問和密碼控制
    * 包括 VMware Player 2.0

Workstation 6.0.3 addresses the following security issues:
* On Windows hosts, if you have configured and enabled a shared folder, it is possible for an attacker to write arbitrary content from a guest system to arbitrary locations on the host system (CORE-2007-0930). (bug 200360)
* An internal security audit determined that a malicious user could attain and exploit LocalSystem privileges by causing the authd process to connect to a named pipe that is opened and controlled by the malicious user. (Foundstone CODE-BUG-H-001) In this situation, the malicious user could successfully impersonate authd and attain privileges under which Authd is executing. (bug 193049)
* This release updates the libpng library to version 1.2.22 to remove various security vulnerabilities. (bug 224453)
* This release updates the OpenSSL library to address various vulnerabilities to denial-of-service attacks and buffer overflows. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) assigned the following names to these issues: CVE-2006-2940, CVE-2006-2937, CVE-2006-4343. (bug 216493)
* Workstation 6.0.2 allowed anonymous console access to the guest by means of the VIX API. This release, Workstation 6.0.3, disables this feature. This means that the Eclipse Integrated Virtual Debugger and the Visual Studio Integrated Virtual Debugger will now prompt for user account credentials to access a guest. (bug 187785)

Workstation 6.0.3 is also a maintenance bug fix release to improve VMware Workstation 6.0.2. See Fixed Bugs for information about additional bug fixes:
# On openSUSE Linux 10.3 hosts, USB devices cannot be used in a virtual machine unless you plug the USB device in to the host before powering on the virtual machine. (bug 177615)
# With Workstation 6.0.2 the iPhone could be seen as a camera device by a Windows guest but iTunes did not list the device in its device list. In this release, Workstation 6.0.3, the iPhone is usable and visible in iTunes for Windows guests. (bug 191214)
# On 64-bit Windows Vista hosts, if the guest has a USB controller and you attempt to connect or disconnect a USB device, occasionally the guest crashes to blue screen with a "USBPROT.SYS" error. (bug 219224)
# For Windows guests, if a filename inside a shared folder includes any extended ASCII characters (that is, characters whose ASCII code is above 128), then you cannot view any of the files in the shared folder. The folder looks empty when you access it from the guest operating system. The value of such characters could not be converted to UTF-8. (bug 222397)
# For Windows guests, if you configured the virtual machine to connect to a specific physical floppy drive instead of using auto-detect, and if you then start the virtual machine without having a floppy disk in the drive, you might see a "Windows - No Disk" error message. (bug 217782)
# On Windows guests, you cannot access files that are cached for offline access. This means that if you have set up the system to mount a network drive and enable the option to cache files for offline access, you still will not be able to access the files unless the remote server is available. (bug 201758)
# On Linux guests that use X.Org Server 1.3, which includes Fedora Core 7 guests, you receive the following error message when installing VMware Tools: "Detected X.org 1.3. No drivers for X.org version 1.3." (bug 185281)
# On some 64-bit Windows hosts, the host sometimes crashes when starting up a Linux virtual machine that has paravirtual kernel support enabled. (bug 192011)
# If you install Workstation on a Linux host that uses kernel version 2.6.23 or newer, the necessary kernel modules do not build. Therefore, Workstation is installed but cannot start. (bug 200828)
# On Windows Vista hosts and Windows guests, if you swap the left and right mouse button functions, as many left-handed people do, dragging and dropping files does not work correctly. (bug 188997)
# Occasionally on Windows guests, the guest crashes when you use the multiple-monitor feature and view streaming video. This issue might arise if you have two monitors arranged one on top of another and you launch a media player from the secondary monitor. (bug 189779).
# In some newer Linux guest operating systems, the mouse pointer becomes unusable after you install VMware Tools. (bug 156988)
# Hardware breakpoints set in applications that run inside guest operating systems are lost occasionally. (bug 199267)
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